09 February 2009

Gregarious Gregorian New Year.

Photo: Elyaqim Mosheh Adam.Johnny, Tatiana and J.P. rang in the new year Nowhere.

New Year’s Eve 2008–09 was spent at “A Func­tion” at Dou­ble-Headed Dis­co, Nowhere (Goo­gle group, Face­book, MySpace, Yelp, Web log), 322 East Four­teenth Street, Man­hat­tan, with Garth, Charles שת, Mara מרה, İlker and a gag­gle of new friends. One of the new friends told me I was “meant for lov­ing” and kept try­ing to embrace me all night. Unfor­tu­nately, pay­ing atten­tion to me meant tak­ing his atten­tion away from his coat which was sto­len on such a bit­terly cold night. He should have checked it with Paul, the friendly cloak­room atten­dant. More pic­tures can be viewed in my Face­book photo album “New Year’s Eve 2008–09,” as well as in DHD’s photo album, “A Func­tion—New Year’s Eve.”


Photo: Elyaqim Mosheh Adam.Quality control: İlker and J.P. tested the horns.

Photo: Elyaqim Mosheh Adam.Paul, the friendly cloak­room atten­dant. Note the warn­ing on the wall: “Nowhere is not respon­si­ble for lost or sto­len items.”

Photo: Elyaqim Mosheh Adam.A new year’s scandal! One can only assume the sign was supposed to say “coat check.”


✴ Elyaqim wishes all his friends and acquain­tan­ces a heal­thy, peace­ful new year. May its days be pleas­ant ones, unlike our pres­ent ones. —1 January, 20:35

A ver­sion of this arti­cle is repro­duced at webcitation.org/5eTPhizPV, as well as on Face­book.

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