24 March 2016

Purim and Anti‐Semitism

🖼 The legend central to the holiday of Purim depicts a situation wherein allegations of anti‐Semitism are taken seriously and not categorically dismissed.

The illustration: “Esther confond Aman,” illustration by Gustave Doré from La sainte Bible, 1866, reprinted as “Queen Esther Accuses Haman Before the King” in “Haman Is Hanged on the Gallows Made for Mordecai,” The Bible Panorama or The Holy Scriptures in Picture and Story, Arranged for the Instruction and Entertainment of Children, as Well as Older Persons; Illustrating the Principal Events of the Old and New Testaments, with Descriptions of Them in Easy Words, [by William A. Foster,] Philadelphia: Charles Foster Publishing Co., 1891, 205. (In the public domain.) (Internet Archive) (Flickr) (Also Wikimedia Commons)

03 March 2016

Looking Serious in a Playful Winter Hat

🌬📷 By some ways of reckoning it, winter is over, but the weather here is certainly still wintery. Here are some of my recent photos showing that people in New York City can manage to look serious even when wearing a playful winter hat. And I write that as a New Yorker often in a mood as playful as my hats. (Photographs by Elyaqim Mosheh Adam, under a Creative Commons BY‐NC 4.0 license.)